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Leonie Gossens - Beeldend kunstenaar en fotograaf

In mijn fotografische werk komen makend onderzoek en een multidisciplinaire benadering bij elkaar.


Als fotograaf en kunstenaar probeer ik te vangen dat wat er niet meer is, nog niet is geweest of misschien niet heeft mogen zijn. Niet het hier en nu, maar het afwezige probeer ik te vertalen in iets zichtbaars. Startpunt voor mijn fotografische en beeldende experimenten is een gevoeligheid voor het schijnbaar onopvallende of afwijkende. Vanuit mijn gedachten volgt een zoektocht naar een visuele en tastbare vertaling hiervan.  


Zowel bestaand fotografisch materiaal als een beeld uit de dagelijkse realiteit kan het vertrekpunt zijn voor mijn beeldende onderzoek. Door analoge en digitale fotografische technieken wordt het bestaande beeld gemanipuleerd tot iets nieuws. 

In 2021 I graduated cum laude from Photographic Design at NAVB Rotterdam with Project Planting Memories and Project Representation of Miscarriage in Visual Culture / I Miss. 


Since 2022 I am working as a photography teacher (both digital and analoge photography) and continue to work on new chapters of Ik Mis/
I Miss. Besides that I am still exploring the world of analoge and experimental photography. Together with some enthousiasts I am starting up Club Caffenol- a place for learning about and working together towards a more sustainable darkroom and alternative techniques.


As a photographer and artist I try to capture that what is no longer there, has not yet been or may not have been. Not the here and now, but the absent I try to translate into something visible. The starting point for my photographic and visual experiments is a sensitivity to the seemingly unnoted, the unwitnessed or deviant. The search for a visual and tangible translation urges me to create.


Existing photographic material as well as an image from everyday reality can be the starting point for my visual research. With analog and digital photographic techniques I manipulate the existing image into something new.

The research phase is an essential part for the photographic and visual materiality that ultimately arises. An even though I read and study a lot before working on a project, it is by exploring and doing, acting with my hands that my mind will start to construct thoughts and patterns, I get a sense of meaning. It’s a delicate balance between knowing and feeling.


Especially in Planting Memories I wanted to express that not only the image itself but also the the act of creating images is a way to keep memories alive. 

I examined the memory of my grandmother by studying the photos. Can I find my grandmother in the photos and see more than the object (treasured prints on paper) (“punctum” as Barthes calls it in Camera Lucida)? I try to get closer to my memory by altering the photos, re-owning the photos; examine close to the skin, re-photograph and print the image. 


Open Call:

Recently I started working on a new chapter of I Miss / Ik Mis. I want to create works that tell stories of  members of the unfortunate community of people who experienced the loss and pain of a miscarriage. You can read about it and respond on this page of my website:




Expertprogramma Fotoacademie Amsterdam


Photographic Design NAVB Rotterdam


Kunst -en Kunstbeleid Rijksuniversiteit Groningen


Minor Theaterwetenschap Universiteit Antwerpen


Selected for: FRESH EYES TALENT 2023, category Conceptual Photography, published September 2023:
You can order the publication here:


Selected for: GUP New Talent 2022, published may 2022
You can order the publication here:


Witte Rook. Publication ' Ik Mis' met collectief Vrouwenmantel Art Research Group. You can read the article online here.

Aeonian Magazine nr5. Interview and overview of Project Herinneringen Planten / Planting Memories. Read online or download the magazine here.

Art Doc Magazine. Featured as a member of the Art Doc Magazine: You can view the item online here. 

Lens Culture. Featured as a member of Lens Culture: You can view the item online here.

Exhibitions and presentations

2022 november

Dag van de Fotografie at KCW
Kick off Club Caffenol
Presentation and co-teaching  programma analoge photography and
experimental techniques


2021 november

Festival de Fotografia de Tiradentes
Selected for Open call and online panel of Photo Empauta and Rotterdam Photofestival. After participating with project EnPassant I was invited to join an online lecture talk as art of the programme of The Urban Between Reality and Utopia. 


Herinneringen Planten / Planting Memories, Kunstencentrum Waalwijk

2021, t/m 23 december


2021 & 2022

Catch 21, 
2022 Atrium City Hall Den Haag (vanaf 20 december tot 9 januari 2023)

2021, Afstudeerexpositie, Elleboogkerk Amersfoort


Contact Me

leoniegossens @

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